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Dr. Jack

Tired of waiting...the Christ Child is almost here!

Advent, our Christian year time of waiting for the arrival of the Christ Child, is so important! We change our paramants including choir robe stoles, decorate the church, and host parties to celebrate Christ's coming. Then, we do not have to wait long for Epiphany.

While the congregation is focused on "His coming," the pastor and music director are gathering ideas for Lent, Easter and today Chas and I were talking about ideas for next Christmas.

If you get tired of waiting, look for the star in the East to guide you and think ahead. Dreaming is fun and some great ideas come at the time you least expect. If you have suggestions for the spring, pass them along to us.

May you enjoy the holidays and your precious time with family and friends.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



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