We have resumed in person Sunday worship services. We are following CDC and our denominational guide lines pertaining to use of pew Bibles and hymnals and passing of the offering plate.
The traditional service of First Presbyterian Church brings a classical expression of worship that has well stood the test of time. Hymns, robed clergy and an order of worship rooted in Presbyterian tradition tie us to centuries past, while engaging sermons reach us where we are in our modern lives.
Our service starts every Sunday at 11 A.M. Elevator access can be found through the alley off Bradley Ave.

Bible Study – ongoing – meets at the church every Thursday at 12:00. Come, join us, all adult ages are welcome. Topics are chosen by the group. After lively discussion, the class ends when someone says “Let’s eat!” The group chooses a restaurant and enjoys lunch together.
Book Study – Sept 8-Nov 3 – We are studying the book, The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Allison Barr . We meet Wednesday nights at 7:00 in the basement (enter on the Bradley Ave. door and go downstairs). The first week is September 8, then we'll cover one chapter per week through November 3 (Intro, plus 8 chapters = nine weeks). The church has ordered the books, but if you're joining us later, call the church office and we can help you get a copy.
Adult Sunday School – ongoing– Coffee and conversations about the bible are the main focus for our bible study. Our class meets every Sunday at 10 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall. Come join us, grab a cup of coffee, make new friends and you might just learn something new! Enter through the door off Bradley street and head downstairs. Elevator access can be found through the alley off Bradley street behind the church.
Praise and Play – This group has currently suspended meeting due to the COVID-19 Pandemic