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Confirmation Class starts February 11

Updated: Jan 31

When we, in the PC(USA), baptize infants, it represents the claim that God has on our lives even before we can respond in faith. It is the sign of God's gracious covenant. Through the Holy Spirit, baptism joins us together as a community and gives us identity as the body of Christ, including our children. We, as a congregation, on behalf of the whole church of Jesus Christ promise in the baptismal vows to guide and nurture the child by word and deed with love and prayer. We, as a congregation, on behalf of the whole church of Jesus Christ, promise to encourage them to know and follow Christ and to be a faithful member of the church.

When that child grows up, we give them an opportunity to profess their own faith and make their own promises to be faithful members. Traditionally in this congregation, that is done in the 7th grade. When they make a public profession of faith, we say they "confirm" their baptism. We generally have a class for the 7th graders leading up to their public profession of faith, and we call that class a Confirmation Class.

We will be starting a Confirmation Class Sunday February 11. This will be the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, and we will kick off the class with a solemn burning of the palms from last year's Palm Sunday. The class will be after church (with pizza for lunch!) and will run until April 14. Skipping PVHS Spring Break and Easter (March 31), there will be eight lessons. Those wishing to join the church at the end of this class will appear before Session on April 16. Confirmation will happen in the 11:00 worship service on April 21.

If you've already been through Confirmation Class, you're also welcome to attend. While this is mainly for the 7th graders, and the expectation is that they will join the church through a profession of faith at the end of the class, the class is open to any of the youth. Adults interested in joining are also welcome. We call it a Confirmation Class, but if you've never been baptized, you are also welcome; if things work out, we will baptize you in the same service.

If you're interested in participating, call the church office so that we can purchase enough materials and plan for enough pizza.


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