Sunday, May 28th is Pentecost Sunday. The story of Pentecost in the Book of Acts tells about the disciples all gathered in one place. Were they still hiding from the Romans and Jews like it says in the Gospel of John? Maybe. It doesn't say that in Acts; just that they were all gathered in one place. All of a sudden, with a rush of wind, the Holy Spirit descended on them. It both filled the house as a whole and it rested on each of them individually, as tongues of divided fire. They were empowered to proclaim the gospel to the crowds of people visiting Jerusalem from all nations. The rest of the story of Acts is about the disciples taking themselves into all nations to proclaim the gospel message. This is considered the birth of the church--when the spirit came into us and empowered us to minister to all the nations.
The liturgical color for Pentecost is red. We'll have the red paraments on the pulpit and communion table. Come wear red, the color of celebration and of the Holy Spirit, and get fired up to celebrate the birth of the church.