Vacation Bible School will be July 21 to July 25 from 5:00pm to 8:20pm, at the First United Methodist Church. This will be a partnership with the First United Methodist Church, First Christian Church, and the Eklessia. Each evening, we will begin with a meal served at 5:00pm. Children going into PreK through going into the 6th grade are invited to attend. Children going into the 7th grade and up are invited to attend and help "shepherd" the younger children.
You can pre-register your children by calling the Methodist Church office at (405)238-3354. The organizers would like to know how many are coming by Thursday, July 11. We need some adults from our church to volunteer to help. Please contact Angela Portwood from our church, or you can contact Richelle Humphrey, Jennifer Samford, or the Methodist church office to volunteer.